Search our library of icons, symbols and shapes, or use royalty-free stock photos from our image library to enhance your designs.
Add a photo
Click the Photos drop-down on the left toolbar.
Type in a search term. Our library includes anything from background patterns, stock photos, borders, and more. The more specific your search (e.g., "purple chair" instead of "chair"), the more accurate your results will be.
Click or drag the photo to add it to the page.
Want to upload and use your own photos? Learn how.
Add an icon
Click on Icons in the left sidebar of the Editor.
Enter a search term into the Icon Search bar. The more specific the term, the more exact your results.
Click "Show More" under the icon results to see additional results.
Filter search results by All, Color or Mono to see icons in those categories; click "Show More" under the icon results to see additional results.
Click on an icon to add it to the design canvas.
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