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Moving and rotating text

Gino B.
Gino B.
  • Updated

Position the your text box on the canvas, by moving or rotating the text box.

Move text

With the cursor, click on the bounding box around the text box, or the move arrow at the bottom of the text box. Click and drag the text box into position on the canvas.

With the keyboard, select the text box with Tab + Spacebar. Use the arrow keys to move it incrementally (by 1px) on the design canvas; to move it by 10px, hold Shift and use the arrow keys. 



Rotate text

With the cursor, click on the bounding box around the text box, or the rotate (circular) arrow at the bottom of the text box. Click and drag your cursor to rotate the orientation of the text. 

With the keyboard, select the text box with Tab + Spacebar. Hold the ALT key, then use the arrow keys to rotate it incrementally (by 1°); to move it by 15°, hold ALT and Shift, then use the arrow keys. 



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