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Share Designs from the Upgraded Editor (Business)

Gino B.
Gino B.
  • Updated

Available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Business and Enterprise.

Click "Edit" on the design you want to share to open it in the upgraded Editor. 

Click the "Share" button (or select it using the Tab key and press the Spacebar) to open the Share widget.

On the homepage of the Venngage website, a user scrolls down to where their template designs appear, under the My Designs heading. The user clicks the 'Edit' button on a thumbnail to open the design template in the upgraded Editor.

Invite a new Team member by email 

Invite a collaborator to sign up for a spot on your Venngage Team, view and comment on Shared designs, and edit designs you've shared with them. 

Enter your colleague's email address in the email text field and click "Send invite".


NOTE: This will invite the email recipient to sign up for a Venngage account with that email address, giving them a seat on your Team if you have a Venngage Business account.

Turn on sharing and send a message

Toggle on the Share with team widget to turn on Team sharing. Your Team members will be notified by email that the design has been shared with them. They can click the link in their email to open the design in the upgraded Editor. 

The design will also appear to your existing Team in their Team Designs page, which they can find in the left sidebar on the Homepage. 

On the My Designs homepage of the Venngage website, a user navigates in the left sidebar, where multiple options appear under a button labelled 'Create New'. My Designs, the first option under the button, is highlighted in blue, and in the right panel the user's My Designs are visible as thumbnails under this heading. The user clicks on Team Designs in the left sidebar, and the page in the right panel loads; three design template thumbnails appear under the heading Team Designs, including some of the designs that were visible on the user's My Designs page, which they have shared. The user clicks on one of the designs, titled LMS Learning Management Systems Presentation, and it opens in the upgraded Editor.


Add an optional message to your Team members in the text field of the widget.  


Copy a Share link

If you prefer to send an email outside of the upgraded Venngage Editor, toggle on Sharing using the steps outlined above. When the Share toggle is set to "on", click the "Copy Link" button under the Share by link heading on the second pop-up modal. 

shareable link will be copied to your device clipboard; you can paste this into an email or message and send it to members of your Team for them to access the design you shared and make their own changes to it. 



Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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