Note: Embed is only available on Premium and Business accounts.
Open the design you want to embed in the Venngage Editor. Finalize the design so that it looks exactly how you'd like it to, before you share.
Select Share from the menu above the design canvas (top right) when you're ready to grab your embed code.
Customize your embed options. Toggle "Border" to add a border around the design (make some additional spacing around the design itself) or "Footer" to add some space underneath the design. Toggle "Responsive" to allow the page displaying your design make changes to how it's sized and displayed, relative to the device or settings in the browser it's being viewed on.
Click or select Copy Embed Code at the bottom of the modal (box) when you're ready to copy the embed code. This will automatically copy the code displayed under "Embed Code" to your device clipboard.
Add the embed code to your blog, webpage or email.
Show me how: Adding custom HMTL to a Wordpress blog post
Here's an example of what you can do with embed code from your Venngage design.
Create a new post on your Wordpress blog.
Add a custom HTML widget to the post.
Paste the Embed Code you copied from the Venngage Editor directly into the Wordpress post.
Click "Preview" to see how the infographic will display in the post once it's published.
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