You can download your Venngage design in an HTML code block to post on your website or embed in the body of an email, or download an HTML-formatted file type to attach to an email. This is an easy way to create a reusable email template or send out scheduled newsletters.
Venngage offers two ways to convert your designs into HTML:
with embeddable source code, or an HTML format file.
For interactive elements like hyperlinks,
use either format to share your design.
For interactive elements like polls or video embeds,
use embed code to share your design.
Check out Venngage's fast tips for designing the perfect email, before you send it out.
Upload an HTML file into MailChimp
Log into your MailChimp account. From the dashboard, click "Campaigns".
Open the menu and select "Email templates":
Click the Create Template button.
From the Create a template page (pictured below) under "Select a starting point for your template", click the "Code your own" tab.
Select "Import HTML". To use embed code instead, select the "Paste in code" option and paste the embed code into the modal.
Click the Add Files button. Select the HTML file you downloaded from Venngage and click the Upload button.
Your HTML template is now ready to preview and test in MailChimp.
Click Save and Exit to use the design in a campaign.
HTML format files offer a compressed, lossless version of
your design that is lightweight and perfect for sharing via email
without eating up data or bandwidth. To keep files light, interactive
elements like polls and videos are disabled in this format.
Upload an HTML file into Outlook 365
Create a new email.
Right-click in the toolbar area and select "Customize the Ribbon".
Select "Attach File" and then click Add button so that it can be added to your toolbar. Press the OK button to confirm.
Click "Attach File".
Select the HTML file you want to insert, but do not insert it yet. Using the drop-down next to Insert, select "Insert as text", then click Insert.
Venngage offers two HTML format export options—
embed code and HTML-file download—for you to use
based on which format fits your needs best.
Certain email carriers don't support custom HTML formatting
or code embeds, and may not display your Venngage
design in the correct resolution.
Find out more aboutyour download options here.
Email design tips
- Check compatibility: You can create custom email templates in Outlook for Wndows, but Outlook for Mac does not support custom templates; additionally, custom HTML may not display correctly in Outlook's interface. For this reason we strongly recommend using MailChimp for your custom-designed email campaigns.
- Page Size: in order to export a design to HTML designs, it must be a single page. The page should be up to 816 x 3000 px. Smaller designs optimize email load time.
- Merge Tags: when you export your design to HTML from the Venngage editor, merge tags will not transfer. Ensure you save add any custom merge tags in MailChimp.
- Text size: ensure legible text by using a text size of at least 16px.
- Interactive elements: interactive elements like forms and polls are displayed but not interactive in an HTML export. Embedded hyperlinks are functional in an HTML export.
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