Use Venngage's Groups to manage your organization's collaborative designs, give access to Members or guests, and share designs in Groups with Members who use them most!
What is Venngage Groups?
Venngage Groups is a feature available to Enterprise users that enables easy design sharing and organizing, for users collaborating on many different projects at once.
Find your Groups in the main sidebar menu of your Home page. The Groups listed here are the ones you've created and joined.
TIP: Click on your organization's name in the left
sidebar to bring up the Groups page, where you can
see a complete list of all the Groups in your
organization, including any public or private
Groups other Members have created.
What can I use Groups for?
Groups are the ideal way to organize your projects and allow Members and guests (those without a Member seat on your organization's Venngage Enterprise account) to access designs.
Create Groups to share designs with Members of your organization and allow them to work on the design(s) collaboratively.
Invite Members to a Group so that they can share their designs with you and the other Members of that Group.
Set the group type to "Public" or "Private" to control which Members can see and access designs in a Group.
Set up as many Folders as you want in your Group(s) to keep designs organized.
TIP: Members, Admins and Guests have different
user permissions within Groups. For more details
on who can do what, check out the RELATED
ARTICLES section at the end of this article.
How do I create a Group?
Admins or Members on an Enterprise account can create Groups within the organization.
Create a Group by clicking "Add Group" in the left sidebar (accessible from the Home page, under your organization name and the name of any other Groups you've joined or created):
[Video description: User moving through sequence of actions to create a new Group, as described above. End.]
Or create a new Group from the Groups page. Click on your organization name in the left sidebar to load the Group page; then click the green "Add Group" button in the top right-hand corner of the Groups page.
[Video description: User moving through sequence of actions to create a new Group, as described above. End.]
TIP: You must set the group type to PRIVATE or PUBLIC
when you create the group. You can always change this
under the organization "Group" page in the future.
Your new Group will appear in the left sidebar of your Home page under your organization, and in the Groups list page.
Access your Group by clicking on the Group name in the left toolbar, or in the Groups page list.
How do I invite a Member to a Group?
Invite a Member of your organization to a Group by clicking on the Group you want either from the left sidebar of the Home page under your organization, or in the list on your Groups page.
Click the "Members" tab at the top of the Group page (to the right of the "Designs" tab).
Click the green "Add Members" button in the top left of the page.
Enter the name or the email address of the person you'd like to invite.
TIP: If you are inviting Members who are already
registered to your organization's Enterprise
account, their names will appear as automatic
suggestions as you type, and you can select them
from the list in the INVITE MEMBERS box.
Click the green "Send Invite" button when you're ready. When your invite goes out, a dialog box will load saying "Invite sent!" with the email address(es) listed below.
TIP: Inviting someone outside your organization on
Venngage? No problem! They will still be able to
view designs as a Guest and leave a comment on a
previewed design.
How do I share designs in a Group?
Share your designs in a Group so that anyone in that Group can collaborate on your work or review your design and leave you a comment.
[Video description: User sharing a design in Venngage with a Group, and then unsharing the same design, as described below. End.]
From your Home page or the left sidebar, click My Designs to access your designs. From there, hover over the preview tile of the design you want to share.
Click "Share" and the "Share this Design" pop-up modal (box) will appear.
Type the Group name you want to share your design with into the text box. As you start to type, the name of the Group will appear and you can hit return or click on it to select it.
When you've entered all the Group names you want to share your design with, click the green "Share" button.
The "Share this Design" modal will automatically update to show which Groups your design is shared with. Next to each Group name is a drop-down menu with the permission they have:
Editor: Can open your design from their Group, edit it, make changes and save
Unshare design: Design will no longer be shared in Group but is still accessible to the design creator on their "My Designs" page
To remove a Group's permission to access your design, click "Share" on the design and beside the Group name, change "Editor" to "Unshare design".
You can see which Designs you've shared in a Group by viewing the Group, or by clicking "Share" on the design.
TIP: If you want to share your design without
letting Group members edit it, use the "COPY LINK"
option at the bottom of the "Share this Design"
modal to copy a link to a preview version of your
design and share that link with your team.
How do I organize my designs in a Group?
Use Folders to group your designs by category or project and make them easier for your Group Members to find.
To create a Folder, access your Group. Click the green "New Folder" button in your Group, or, if this is your first Folder, click the box under the page title that says "Create New Folder" (pictured below):
In the "New Team Folder" modal (box) that appears, type the title you want to give your new Folder. Don't worry, if it's not right, you can change it later.
Click "Create" to create the new folder or "Cancel" to opt out.
To move a design from the main Group page to a specific Folder, click and hold on the design preview tile in the Group page and drag it over to the Folder, then release:
TIP: Admins can create and modify Folders in
any Group in their organization. Members can
create and modify Folders in any Group they
created, or in any PUBLIC Group in their
organization. Guests can view Folders in a
Group they were invited to, but cannot create
or modify any Folders.
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