Support Centre

What data we collect and how we collect it

Gino B.
Gino B.
  • Updated

Venngage uses the data we collect from cookies to make sure our Editor and other products provide the functionality and security you expect, and to keep improving on our application.

We collect these kinds of data from youAn infographic depicting different types and uses of data, transcribed in the list below.

How you use Venngage

  • Your URL clickstreams (the path you take through our site)

  • Features clicked or used, widgets added on designs, how you customize our templates, and other actions you take on the application

  • How long you stay on our pages, what you do on those pages, how often

Contact details

  • First and last name

  • Email address

Job information

  • The type of organization you work for

  • Your role

Where you're designing

  • Your IP address

  • Operating system and version

  • Device & browser type and version

  • Time zone setting

  • Geolocation information about where you might be

  • Language preference

Financial information

Your designs

  • Any personal data you have entered into your designs (e.g., resumes, CVs, etc.)

Marketing data

  • Ads you have clicked and the platform they were served on

  • Emails you have opened and links clicked

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We collect data from these sources

A chart with details of what actions a user performs and what data is being provided, sorted by sources and the categories listed above. The entire chart is reproduced in the table below.


When you:

We collect data about:

You provide data about:

3rd party sites send us data about:

Access our website or application

Where you're designing



Sign up for our newsletter

Where you're designing

Contact details


Sign up for our application

How you use Venngage and where you're designing

Contact details

Contact details (if you sign up via Facebook or Google)

Create a design

How you use Venngage



Edit a design

How you use Venngage

Your designs


Upgrade to a paid subscription

How you use Venngage

Financial information


Publish a design


How you use Venngage

Your designs


Contact a customer support agent or read a help article

How you use Venngage

Contact details and your designs


Receive an email from us

Marketing data



View or interact with our ads on a 3rd-party site

Where you're designing


Marketing data

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