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Copying elements between designs

  • Updated

Use keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste icons, images, text, smart lists, smart charts, and single smart shapes across different pages and different designs.


Open your designs

Open each design in a separate browser tab. When you copy the element from the design, it will be temporary saved to your device's clipboard, allowing you to paste it into other designs. 



Select all items that you want to copy on the design canvas. To copy, either:

  • Hold down the Shift button on your keyboard and click on items to select, or
  • Click and hold to drag your cursor over the items on the design canvas to select them all at once. There are two ways to select multiple items at once: 

A blue bounding box will appear around the items you select; any items not in the bounding box are not selected.

Copy and paste the items

Copy with the right-click context menu, or use use Command-C (Mac) or Ctrl + C (PC).

Open the browser tab with the design canvas you want to paste in, and right-click to paste with the context menu, or use Command-V (Mac) or Ctrl + V (PC).



The copied items are automatically grouped once they are pasted into the second design. Use the handles at the edges of the grouped items to resize them. You can ungroup the items using the steps outlined in this help article.

One of the items I selected didn't copy over, why didn't it work?

When an item is locked to the canvas it won't be selected. 

Unlock the icon, text or element and then select it; copy and paste it to the other design canvas.



My background was not copied over, what do I do?

Backgrounds that you add using the Background tool in the top navigation won't copy over, as they are the base of the design canvas. Any photos or shapes used in the background can be copied over, as long as they are unlocked. 

You can change the background of your new design to match another one with the Background tool.

The stuff I copied over doesn't fit on the design canvas, how do I fix this? 

If you're transferring items between design canvases of different sizes, either resize the page using the Page size menu, or resize the items so they fit on the canvas.


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