Make changes to existing brand kits from the Manage Brand page or from inside the Editor.
Access the Manage Brand page
From the Home page:
Click on Manage Brand in the left sidebar from the Home page, and then click on the thumbnail of the Brand Kit you want to edit to open it.
From inside the Editor:
Click on My Brand Kit in the left sidebar on the Venngage Editor.
Select the brand kit you want to edit (if you have more than one).
Edit Brand Kit title
Click the name of the brand kit on the brand kit page. Change the title, and click or hit 'Enter' to save the changes.
Edit brand logos
Add a new logo by clicking the plus sign next to the existing brand logos, under the Brand Logos heading. Select an image file from your device's file explorer and double-click or click open to add it.
Hover over the logo you want to delete and click the trash can icon to remove it from the brand kit.
Edit brand colors
Change a color by clicking on any of the color swatches under the Brand Color heading and using the color picker or entering the HEX code to change the color.
Add new colors with the plus sign; delete colors by hovering over the swatch and clicking the trash can icon.
Edit brand icons and images
To add a new icon or image, click the plus sign next to the existing brand icons or images, or click the 'Browse files' button if no files are currently uploaded. Select a file from your device's file explorer, then double-click or click 'Open' to upload it.
Hover over the icon or image you want to delete and click the trash can icon to remove it from the brand kit.
Edit brand fonts
Change fonts with the drop-down menus under each of the sub-headings in the Brand Fonts column.
Upload or delete custom fonts
- Click the upload font button under Uploaded Font to add a new font file (*.otf or *.ttf format)
- Click the trash can icon next to an uploaded font to delete it, then click "DELETE" on the modal (pop-up) to confirm
When you upload a custom font, it will appear in the drop-down menus under each sub-heading in the Brand Fonts column; select it from the drop-down under the sub-heading to have it appear in the Editor.

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