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Can I edit PDF files outside of Venngage?

Renée Meloche
Renée Meloche
  • Updated
Business and Enterprise users can download their designs from Venngage in the following PDF (Portable Document Format) styles:
  • PDF

  • PDF Interactive

What's the difference between a PDF and an Interactive PDF?

When you export a PDF from the Venngage editor, you download a flattened image of the design in a file format ideal for digital display or sharing (small enough to attach to an email but retains enough resolution integrity to keep images and text looking crisp and clear).

Download an Interactive PDF for the same features above as well as clickable links and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) compatibility.

Can I edit the PDF once I've downloaded it from the Venngage editor?

Because the PDF is a flattened copy of the design file, you won't be able to modify any elements (e.g., images, text, colors, etc.). Make any changes to the design elements you want to see in the Venngage editor before you download.


TIP: We use vectors to render the PDFs, which means you can zoom in and out as much as you want and the quality of the infographic remains the same.

I've downloaded my design from Venngage as a PDF and I really want to make changes to the PDF. What do I do?

You can open your downloaded PDF file in a program like Adobe Pro and add fillable fields, text or other elements from the Adobe toolbar over your existing design.

You can also try converting the PDF file to a PowerPoint (*.pptx file) and open the file in PowerPoint or PowerPoint-compatible software to further edit some of the smart elements in your design.


The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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