Support Centre

Adding page numbers

Gino B.
Gino B.
  • Updated

Available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.

Toggle Page Numbers on

Click on "Page Numbers" (or using Tab + Spacebar) to open the Page Numbers widget. 

Click (or Tab + Spacebar) on the Page numbers toggle to turn on page numbers. 

Use the Page Manager to navigate the template pages and see the numbers on each page or slide.

Use a custom Page Range

Click on "Page Numbers" (or use Tab + Spacebar) to open the widget. 

Click (or Tab + Spacebar) to select the button next to Custom, and enter a Custom page range in the text field to define which pages appear with a number in the bottom-right.

Use the Page Manager to navigate the template pages and see the numbers on each page or slide.



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