The Color Contrast ratio tells you whether users with visual impairments or other disabilities will be able to easily see and interpret the elements in your design.
Click on the color menu in the top toolbar with the element selected.
At the bottom of the color menu panel, a section titled "Contrast Ratio" displays the contrast ratio of the element compared to its background.
A red "x" appears next to the element label (e.g., "Graphics", "Normal text", "Header", etc.) if the ratio doesn't meet accessibility requirements, and a green checkmark if it does.
Click on the "info" icon next to the Contrast Ratio header for more details about what contrast ratio meets WCAG requirements.
Change the color of the element with the picker or by entering the HEX code value. The Contrast Ratio in the color panel will update automatically, along with the requirements checker.
What do the color contrast ("AA", "AAA") mean?
Venngage's Accessibility Checker grades color contrast according to WCAG requirements:
Level A is the minimum level.
Level AA includes all Level A and AA requirements.
- This is the requirement that Venngage applies to evaluating all the elements in an accessible design created in the upgraded Editor.
Many organizations strive to meet Level AA; this is used as the baseline for the legally defined requirement of meeting accessibility standards.
Level AAA includes all Level A, AA, and AAA requirements, and meets the highest level of standard requirement.
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