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Customizing legends, titles and other data on map charts

Gino B.
Gino B.
  • Updated

Use Map Charts to create engaging, colorful representations of information that shows how data values vary across a geographical area.

Pssst 🤫

For a quick overview of how
to add and use map charts in 
your designs, check out our
VIDEO Quick Start Guide.

Open Settings in the Edit Map panel

Double-click the map or click Edit Map in the top toolbar to open the map values.

Click the Settings tab in the "Edit Map" panel.

Any changes you make are saved automatically and are visible on the design canvas.

Use the toggle switches to enable or disable the display of some or all of the following elements on your map:

*The "Legend" feature is specific to choropleth maps and is not displayed for bubble maps.


An animated GIF of the Edit Map panel, with the Settings tab selected. The user clicks the toggle beside 'Title' to turn the feature on and expand the menu with customizable settings for that feature; they repeat that process for 'Labels' and 'Legend'.


From under each features' section, customize what is displayed.

Change the Title

  • Title: Change the title of your chart by entering text into the box.

  • Style: Customize font face, size, style and color from the drop-downs and color-picker.

  • Alignment: shift the title's position over the map to Left, Center or Right.

The 'Title' section of the Settings panel with controls as described above.



Maps come with the region, province and
state names pre-loaded and attached to the
represented region so that they display
correctly—no need to add them in manually!

Customize the Labels

  • Format: Select either "Name" or "Value" to display those labels on the map

    • Name will display region names* for the areas on the map.

    • Value will display the numerical value associated with the map region.

  • Style: Customize font face, size, style and color from the drop-downs and color-picker.

  • Text Shadow: click the toggle button to enable or disable text shadow on the labels.

The 'Labels' section of the Settings panel with controls as described above.

Customize the Legend

This option will only appear if you are using the Choropleth Map chart style.

  • Title: Change the title of your chart by entering text into the box.

  • Style: Customize font face, size, style and color from the drop-downs and color-picker.

  • Alignment: shift the legend's position relative to the map:

    • Above

    • Under

    • Left

    • Right

  • Corner Rounding: round the corners on the background of the legend when the border width value is equal to "1" or more, by adjusting the slider or entering a numeric value.

  • Border width: enlarge or shrink the width of the border that appears around the legend, by adjusting the slider or entering a numeric value.

  • Border: Change the color and opacity of the border clicking on the color picker.

  • Background: Change the color and opacity of the legend's background by clicking on the color picker.

The 'Legend' section of the Settings panel with controls as described above.


You can also use the hover feature to highlight data in an interactive way when sharing your map chart design digitally. 

The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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