Customize your basic table to fit the style and visuals of your design, and display your data in an eye-catching way.
Click into, or select, any cell in the table to activate the tools in the top toolbar.
These include:
- Font face
- Font size
- Font style (Bold, Italic, Underline)
- Font color
- Font alignment
- Cell alignment
- Line height
- Bullet point list or numbered list
- Link text
- Cell background color
- Cell border color
Add or edit text
Type text into a cell directly: click on the cell and type with your keyboard.
Paste values into a table from an external source, as in the GIF below, with Ctrl + V (Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac).
Hyperlink text in a table by selecting the text you want to hyperlink. You can link to a web address (URL) or another page in your current design.
Click the link icon in the top toolbar, and type the URL address into the field that appears and hit "Enter", or click on the name of the page in your design.
The text will be reformatted with underline to show the link is active.
Change font size, style, type and weight
Select the text or value in the table by clicking into the cell to activate the cursor and highlighting the text/value, or triple-click into a cell to select the contents.
Use the top toolbar tools that appear when you select the values or text you want to modify.
The top toolbar lets you customize these parts of your table:
Font face, size, style (Bold, Italic, Underline) and alignment (Left, Center, Right, Justified)
Cell alignment (Top, Middle, Bottom)
Add a bulleted or numbered list or adjust the spacing of multiple lines of text in a cell from this toolbar.
Change background (cell fill)
Select the cell(s) you want to change the background color of. You can do this either by clicking into them or triple-clicking to select the enter cell.
Click the Background Color icon. This tile appears in the top toolbar as a square the same color as the cell background.
Use the color picker to select a new color, or enter the HEX code of the color you wish to use, or select a color with the eye dropper.
Change cell border color and width
Select the cell(s) you want to change the border color of, by clicking into the cell or triple-clicking the cell to select it.
Click the Border Color tool (next to the solid square icon that lets you pick the table background color) icon to open the color picker.
Select the new color from the color wheel, enter the color's hex code, or use the eyedropper tool to pick a new color.
Use these tools to customize your basic tables and match them to your overall design!
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