A selection field is a type of form input that allows users to choose from predefined options.
- Navigate to the Elements section on the left side of the editor.
- Click on Selection field from the options.
- Once selected, the widget will appear on your canvas.
- Click and drag the widget to move it around and place it where you need it.
Modifying the Fields
To modify a field, you can either click “Edit Field” from the top toolbar or double-click the widget.
Once the Edit Field modal appears, you can make several adjustments:
- Preview: Use the preview feature to see how your field will look and function within the form before finalizing changes.
- Question: Edit the question or prompt that users will respond to.
- Options: Add or edit the list of predefined options that users can select. You can also include an “Other” option, allowing users to input their own custom answer or suggest another option.
- Multiple Selection: Enable or disable multiple selections, allowing users to choose more than one option if necessary.
- Layout: Decide whether to display the label and options horizontally or vertically.
Video Guide
For other elements you can add to your form, view here: Creating Forms

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