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Release Notes July 2023

Renée Meloche
Renée Meloche
  • Updated

Improvements to our upgraded Editor 🦾🌱

Map charts, donuts and half-donuts, stat charts

🗺️ Map charts available under the Charts menu 

A map of the United States appears on a canvas in the upgraded Venngage Editor. The map is colored with a step gradient from light to dark blue, indicating a lower to higher number value in each state. The states are labeled with white text outlined in black. On the left, a panel with available maps is visible, including the US map as well as Canada, Europe, UK, Australia, Asia, Africa and World Map. All of the maps are tagged as available for Premium users, except for the US and Canada. On the right side of the Editor, the Edit Chart panel is open. There are two tabs on the panel: Data and Setup. The Setup tab is selected and from here, the user can see the current Map Style and available color presets that they can apply to the map, as well as other tools like Border Color and Border width.

  • Add choropleth maps to your design to represent geographic data. Canada and USA maps are free for all users; find our more about available maps. 

  • Import your own spreadsheet, or add data to maps manually or copy-paste.

  • Customize maps with color gradients and presets, labels and legend styling for accessible readability. 

🥧 Half-pie and Half-donut charts

Adding half-pie and half-donut to the left panel. They have the same settings as regular pie chart:

  • Swap between compatible charts
  • Customize chart color, adjust the x- and y-axis ranges, apply patterns and add labels and text with the legend tools

Data formatting for line, area and stacked area charts

  • Include separators and specify the decimal precision for line, area and stacked area charts.

cA close-up of the Number Format section of the Edit Chart Data panel for a line or area chart is visible, with several customization options underneath it, including Prefix and Suffix, which each have a text field where the user can enter a value. Under this is the Separator category, which has a drop-down menu where the user can select from comma, semicolon, space or None.

Edit Stat Charts more easily

  • Click once on the area you want to edit a stat chart: clicking on the chart portion will bring up controls to swap chart type, change value, change the chart colors, control corner rounding and donut hole size, and add or remove labels and alt text. Clicking on the value portion will bring up tools to change the value and its appearance (font, font color, styling).

A stat chart on a partial view of a template canvas in the Venngage Editor appears as a thin donut with pink coloring and the value '82%' in the center of the donut. A user clicks on the outside part of the donut to select the chart, and different tools become visible in the top toolbar above the template canvas, including the Value (which allows the user to enter a percentage value into a text field and change the percentage shown on the chart), a drop-down where the type of stat chart can be changed, the colors representing the percentage value of the chart and the remainder, the amount of corner rounding applied to the chart, the size of the donut 'hole', the chart's labels and alt text. The user clicks on the percentage that appears in the center of the chart and a different set of tools appears in the top toolbar, including the Value field but also the font color, the font face, and font styling (Bold, Italic, or Underline) tools. 

Resize templates to fit design width

  • When you add a template page to a canvas in the Editor and the template page is wider than the design canvas, the template page is automatically scaled down to fit the width your design. 

A template in the upgraded Venngage Editor shows a timeline with green and blue icons, and the title 'The Evolution of Online Education'. To the left, the Templates widget of the sidebar is expanded, with multiple different templates displayed. The thumbnails under the Templates widget show different designs in portrait and landscape orientation. The template that appears on the design canvas is in landscape orientation in the thumbnail in the left sidebar; on the design canvas in the Editor, the design elements have been scaled to fit the width of a portrait-oriented page.

Accessible templates and more in the upgraded Editor

  • Our upgraded Editor now supports design templates pre-made to be accessible, and regular templates you can customize for accessible design. 
  • Look for the accessibility symbol in the bottom-right corner of pre-designed accessible templates to try them out, or browse our Accessible templates category!

A square template with a light grey background and a colorful  pie chart appears underneath the title A Healthy Diet. In the right bottom corner, the accessibility log appears, magnified and circled in red. The accessiblity logo is a small, simple outline of a person in white, on a dark grey background, encircled in a white outline.

  • We’ve added new template options for generated card designs. These new templates include icons, which are updated to match the topic of the card.

A close-up of the card generator widget in the Venngage Editor. On the left side of the widget, text fields appear that allow the user to type prompts to customize the card text and design generated.  Under these text fields is a button 'Generate again'. A user has already generated a card from the text they have entered: 'a thank you card for giving me a tomato plant for my friend Eli'. In the right side of the widget, a preview of a card appears, with the heading 'Gift of Tomato Delight' over a simple line image of a tomato and the words 'A lovely sight, Eli's garden so bright'.  Under the preview of the card, a button labelled 'Edit this design' allows the user to open the card and continue customizing it in the Venngage Editor.

A close-up of the left sidebar in the upgraded Editor shows the Styles widget expanded, and open to the Explore tab. Multiple different color palettes appear in rows down the column of the widget, and one of the palettes is appears with the label 'Shuffle' where a user's cursor has been moved over it.


The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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