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Release Notes May 2023

  • Updated

💡 New Features

Sort templates with tags

On the Templates page of, a user clicks on links under the Categories heading in the left sidebar. As the user clicks on different categories, different templates appear in the right pane of the page; at the top of the page are tags that allow the user to further refine results. For example, when the user clicks on the 'Infographics' category in the left sidebar, the page loads a gallery of thumbnails of infographic designs; the user clicks on the 'Informational' tag at the top of the page, refining the results.


🦾 Improvements to our upgraded Editor

Expanded alignment & distribution tools

  • Use improved alignment and distribution tools to quickly and easily align one element or more to the left, right, top, middle or bottom of the design canvas; align multiple elements with each other; distribute three or more widgets equally.

A design canvas in the upgraded Venngage Editor shows several black and white photos alternating with black squares showing white text on them. A user selects a text box in the top black square. The text box is currently aligned in the center of the black square. The user clicks 'Align' in the top toolbar, then selects 'Top' in the alignment widget. The text box shifts to the top of the black square. The user then selects a second text box, and uses the Align menu in the top toolbar to change the alignment of box text boxes on the design canvas, so that they are both at the top of the design canvas.

A partial view of a canvas in the upgraded Venngage Editor shows a design with a pale green background. Overlaying the canvas is a light grey grid. Above the canvas, in the navigation bar, the File menu is open and the 'Show grid' option is selected.

Customize text styling with text effects, spacing

On a design canvas with a light blue background in the upgraded Venngage Editor, white text in a cursive font is visible on the canvas; a user clicks on the Letter Spacing widget in the top toolbar to change the spaces between the letters; the image then shifts, showing the user clicking the line height widget in the top toolbar and changing the height between lines of text.

  • Style text with effects, including shadow, outline, glow, offset, and repeat. Control the offset, direction, blur, transparency and even the color of some effects.

On a colorful design canvas in the upgraded Venngage Editor, a user has selected a heading in white text that reads Accessible Colors. The user has opened the Effects widget in the top toolbar and selected the effect 'Repeat' which adds a series of lighter-colored repetitions of the same text visible in the textbox, slightly offset and behind it. As the user moves the sliders in the widget, the Repeat effect changes color, spacing and direction, creating a different visual effect on the text.

Add a word customizable word cloud to your accessible design

  • Users on a paid subscription plan can add a customizable Word Cloud  to their accessible design by inputting a word list or a passage. Adjust the colors of the words in the cloud, randomize word position, and swap with other compatible charts. 

A still image shows a design canvas in the upgraded Venngage Editor. On the design canvas, which has a white background, a colorful word cloud appears with words in various sizes and colors (shades of blue and green). To the right of the screen, the Edit Chart panel is open to the Data tab; underneath the heading Word List, a series of words appears in the first column, with counts beside each word in the second column.

A close-up of a white design canvas in the upgraded Venngage Editor shows a blue square, with the Corner Rounding widget selected and open. The slider and percentage next to it show the corner rounding is set to 46%, giving the square on the design canvas slightly rounded corners.



The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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