Support Centre

Release Notes April 15–30 2023

Renée Meloche
Renée Meloche
  • Updated

💡 New Features

Accessibility Tools portal page

Venngage makes it easy to create accessible designs with our suite of custom accessibility tools, available all in one place.

A user on the Templates page of Venngage clicks 'Create[ on the  preview tile of a design under the heading 'Accessible Templates'. A pop-up modal (box) appears with the heading, 'Make this design accessible with our new editor (Beta)'. The user clicks the 'Try new editor' button on the bottom of the screen.

A user clicks 'Random palette' under the Accessible Color Palette Generator heading. Three color palettes - sets of five color tiles - change to generate individual palettes. The user scrolls down the page and clicks 'Load more palettes' to see an additional four sets of palettes, bringing the total number of palettes displayed to 10.

A user on Venngage's free color blind simulator page scrolls down the page, showing different headings on the page and changing the preview image with filters representing different visual impairments: regular vision, achromatopsia, deuteranopia, protanopia, tritanopia, cataracts and low vision.

🦾 Improvements to our upgraded Editor

A peach-colored design canvas is open in the upgraded Editor, with black accents and icons. On the canvas, a user right-clicks into the last row of a table with 6 rows, and brings up the context menu, which includes options like deleting or inserting rows and columns. The user clicks on 'Delete row' and the sixth row in the table is deleted.

In a presentation template in the upgraded Editor, a user clicks on 'QR Code' at the bottom of the left sidebar. The left sidebar opens in a panel overlaying the design canvas, and the user types a URL into the text field and clicks the 'Generate QR code' button underneath. A QR code appears on the canvas and the user resizes it and repositions it on the canvas.

The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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