Support Centre

Release Notes February 2023

Renée Meloche
Renée Meloche
  • Updated

💡 New Features

Color blindness simulator

See how your website or template looks to viewers with color blindness and other visual impairments, and create accessible designs your whole audience can appreciate.

Type in a website URL or an image link, and change the filters to simulate different visual impairments. Learn more about how to use the simulator.

A user on Venngage's free color blind simulator page scrolls down the page, showing different headings on the page and changing the preview image with filters representing different visual impairments: regular vision, achromatopsia, deuteranopia, protanopia, tritanopia, cataracts and low vision.


Templates in the upgraded Editor

Add template pages from inside the upgraded Editor to easily insert new elements in your accessible design.


🔧 Improvements

Crossed arrows (move) cursor and rotate handle for text

Move text boxes more easily with the crossed arrows cursor. The rotate handle added to the text widget lets you control the orientation of the text box. 

A close-cropped image of a text box widget on the design canvas. The text is selected and framed by a bounding box with two circular nodes on either end for resizing. At the bottom of the bounding box are two icons: one with a crossed arrows cursor for moving the text box, and the other with a circular arrow for rotating the orientation of the text box.


Text size and document font preview

  • Type in the text size menu to change the text size, or use the plus and minus buttons to increase or decrease text size. Use the dropdown to choose from text sizes in 2px increments.
  • The font menu now displays a list of up to five fonts used in the design document, for easy access.

Copy/paste between designs

Use keyboard shortcuts (CMD+C or CTRL+C) to copy the element from the canvas, and use CMD+V or CTRL+V to paste it into another design canvas in the upgraded Editor. 


Lock icon on locked canvas elements

When you lock an element on the design canvas, it appears with a red lock icon.


Image search and replace with double-click

  • Search and add images from the left panel, or perform quick searches via image tags, and add them to the design canvas. 
  • Access the Image Replace menu by clicking the replace button in the toolbar, or double-clicking the image. Replace that image on the design canvas with another image or icon from our library.

A blank canvas open in the Venngage editor; there is one image of a grey cat with blue eyes on the canvas, and the Image Replace menu is open in the left sidebar. The user clicks on different photos under the Photos tab, and the photo on the canvas changes but stays the same size (dimensions stay the same). The user then clicks on the Icons tab in the Image Replace menu; they click on an image of a person with long hair carrying a briefcase, and it replaces the photo of the cat on the canvas.


👾 Bug Fixes

Upgraded Editor fixes: links match selected text color; delete, move and edit text boxes more easily

  • Add a link to text in a text box widget and the link underline will match the text's selected color and styling.
  • Double-clicking on a text box widget now consistently activates "edit mode", letting you edit the text in the widget.
  • Clicking once on a text box or selecting it allows you to delete the entire text box widget (not just the text inside it) from your keyboard with the "Delete" key.
  • Move text box widgets more easily by clicking anywhere on the widget and dragging it to the position you like on the canvas.


The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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