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Set up your Brand Kit with custom logos, colors, icons, images, and fonts

  • Updated

Business Plan Administrators and Enterprise users can set up a Brand Kit with their custom brand color palette.

Add your brand colors to My Brand Kit and access them from any design to easily apply them in reports, infographics, and more.

Why set up My Brand Kit?

With My Brand Kit set up, you can:

  • Access your Brand Colors and Logo(s) from any design you create under 'Brand Kit' in the left sidebar of the Editor.
  • Automatically apply your brand colors from your Brand Kit to the visual elements in your design.
  • Automatically apply pre-generated palettes to your design canvas. 

No brand colors? No problem. Create your own color palette with Venngage's Color Palette Generator.

Access the Manage Brand page

From the Home page: 

Click on Manage Brand in the left sidebar from the Home page.

Image showing where the manage brand button is located in the home page

From the Editor:

If you haven't set up a brand kit yet, click the 'Auto-fill Your Brand Kit' button and select 'Setup Manually' to be directed to the brand kit section.

If you've already set up a brand kit, simply click 'Edit' to be directed to the brand kit section.

Set up your first Brand Kit

On the Manage Brand page, you can add assets (logos, colors and fonts) in each of the columns manually or automatically.

Add brand assets manually 

Add Brand Logos and Colors manually by clicking the "Plus" sign under each heading.

Select logo images from your device's file explorer. You can upload JPEG, PNG and GIF (static) files, up to 2MB. 

Use the Color Picker to choose your brand colors, or enter the HEX or RGB color value. Click the "+" sign for each individual color you want to add.

On the Manage Brand page, a user clicks on the plus sign under the heading Brand Logos, in the first of three columns. A file explorer window appears, overlaying the screen. The user selects a PNG file of a two-tone green circle with a thick black border, then clicks 'Open' on the file explorer. The image of the green circle appears under Brand Logos. The plus sign appears next to it, so that the user can add additional logos. The user then clicks the plus sign under the heading 'Brand Color' in the second column. The Color Tool menu appears, which a color-picker wheel, a light and dark value slider, and a field where the user can enter color HEX or RGB codes. The user clicks on the wheel in the green portion and adjust the slider to a darker green, then clicks outside of the color tool menu to confirm. The user clicks the plus sign again to add another color. The user then clicks on the drop-down menu in the third column under Brand Fonts, and selects a font under the subheading 'Header'.

To add Brand Icons and Images, click the 'Browse files' button.

You can upload JPEG, PNG, or SVG files for Brand Icons, with a maximum size of 10MB.

For Brand Images, upload JPEG or PNG files, also with a maximum size of 10MB.

Image showing where the Browse Files button is located when uploading Brand Icons and Images

Choose fonts or add a custom font

Choose fonts for each of the text sections commonly used in designs: Header, Subheader and Body. Use the drop down menus to choose from fonts in our Editor, and any custom fonts you upload.

Upload custom fonts under the heading "Uploaded Fonts"; click the "Upload Font" button and select a *.ttf or *.otf file form your device. 

A partial view of Venngage's Manage Brand page. In the third column, a user clicks the Upload Font button under the Uploaded Fonts heading. A file explorer window from the user's device opens, overlaying the screen, and the user selects an .otf font file and opens it. A modal (box) replaces the file explorer window, with the heading 'Upload your font'. Text on the modal directs the user to confirm that the font they are uploading is not under copyright or other license prohibiting its use. The user clicks the check box to confirm and then clicks the Upload font button on the modal, and the modal displays a progress bar as the font is uploaded. When the progress bar is full, the modal indicates that the upload is complete before it automatically closes. Under the Uploaded Fonts heading in the third column on the Manage Brand page, the font the user has uploaded is visible.

Confirm the font's license is available for you to use when you upload; the progress bar will show you when the font upload is complete, and any custom fonts you upload will be listed under the "Uploaded Fonts" heading.

Add brand assets automatically

Add your brand kit automatically from your branded website: under "My Brand", click the link in "Add your brand colors and logo automatically."

On the Manage Brand page, a user clicks the link under the My Brand heading. A modal (box) pops up and overlays the screen, prompting the user to enter the URL of their website or confirm the one automatically detected by the tool. The user clicks 'Next' and the modal loading screen starts, as the brand assets are collected from the website entered by the user. The modal closes when the process is finished, and the logo, brand colors, and brand fonts are now displayed under the three columns; in this case, from the Venngage website.

Access the Manage Brand page in order to edit a Brand Kitset up additional Brand Kits, or delete an existing Brand Kit.

Exit the Manage Brand page

Exit the Brand Kit Manager using the path at the top of the page.

Click "Back to All Brand Kits" to see all of your Brand Kits. 

A user on a page with the heading My Design Brand Kit clicks on the 'Back to All Brand Kits' path link at the top of the page. The page returns the user to the Manage Brand main page, which displays two brand kits that the user has created: one labelled My Brand and the second labelled My Design Brand Kit.


Admins on a Business Plan subscription can
set up assets for multiple Brand Kits,
accessible in the Editor from the left sidebar,
under "My Brand Kits".

Set up My Brand Kit as a Premium user

Premium users can set up their Brand Kit to see how it looks in the Editor, following the steps laid out above.

To use My Brand Kit in the Editor, add more than one Brand Kit, and upload custom fonts, Premium users can upgrade to a Business plan

Magic Brand Fonts or Font Suggestions

What is Magic Brand Fonts?

Magic Brand Fonts is a feature that automatically suggests similar fonts from our collection once you create your brand kit using your website URL.

  1. Head over to the Brand Kit section located on the left side of the editor.
  2. Click on "Add Brand Kit."
  3. Enter your website URL, click "Next," and confirm.
  4. Once confirmed, you’ll see font suggestions on the left side.
  5. If you’d like to use a suggested font, simply click the 'Add to Brand' button, and it will be automatically added to your brand kit.

The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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