Support Centre

Renaming designs

Gino B.
Gino B.
  • Updated
Available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.


Change the name of your design easily by typing in the "Title" text field of your design, either in the Editor or from the My Designs page.

From the top toolbar in the Editor

In the Editor, click into the file name in the top toolbar, then type a new title into the text field where the document title appears.



Type into the title field in the top toolbar, and when you're finished, click out or hit Return (Enter key) on your keyboard.

If you're editing an accessible design (Beta) in our Editor, the title text field of the design appears in the top left, above the top toolbar, between the "File" menu and the page zoom:

A partial view of a design canvas in the upgraded Venngage Editor shows a design entitled 4 Key Elements of a Microlearning Module. The text field that contains the document title is visible in the top toolbar, and is highlighted by a red frame.

From the preview tile in My Designs

Rename the infographic from the My Designs page by clicking the title of the preview tile:

On a user's My Designs page, under the heading 'Designs', several design thumbnails are visible in a row. The design title on the first design thumbnail is highlighted and the rest of the image is in shadow.



Designs on your My Designs page are
automatically sorted alphabetically. If you've
lost your design after renaming it, look for it in
alphabetical order on the page to find it again!


Click on the title of a design preview tile on the My Design page.

On a partial view of their My Designs page, a user clicks on the title of a design preview thumbnail under the heading Designs, entitled 'Instagram Post'. The user types into the text field, replacing the title with 'Social Media Post', then clicks out of the text field to save the change.


Type your new title. When you're finished, click outside the tile or hit Return (Enter key).



The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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