Support Centre

Deleting designs

Renée Meloche
Renée Meloche
  • Updated
Available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.


Deleted designs are moved to the Trash and can be restored, or permanently deleted from there.

Move a design to the Trash

From the My Designs page, click on the kebab (three vertical dots) menu on the preview tile of the design you want to delete.

From the Settings menu, click Move to Trash.

On the My Designs page of the Venngage homepage, several design thumbnails appear under the heading 'Designs'. The first design under the heading is entitled 'Annual Report Cover Template'. A user clicks on the kebab menu (three vertical dots) next to the title on the design thumbnail; a widget menu opens, with the options Preview, Make a Copy, Save as Template, Move to Folder and Move to Trash. The user selects 'Move to Trash'. The design thumbnail disappears from underneath the Designs heading. The user moves their cursor to the left sidebar, indicating the 'Trash' link there, and clicks on it. The Trash page loads in the right view pane. the design 'Annual Report Cover Template' appears under the Trash heading, as the user has successfully moved it to the Trash.


Restore a design 

Note: Restoring a design is only available for Premium, Business, and Enterprise accounts.

Move a design from Trash back into My Designs.

Click on "Trash" in the left sidebar. 

Find the preview thumbnail of the design you want to restore. Click the kebab (three vertical dots) menu on the design you want to restore and click 'Restore' in the widget. 

On the My Designs page of the Venngage homepage, several design thumbnails appear under the heading 'Designs'. The first design under the heading is entitled 'Plan Do Act Check Process Improvement'. A user moves their cursor to the left sidebar, indicating the 'Trash' link there, and clicks on it. The Trash page loads in the right view pane. Design preview thumbnails appear on the page under the Trash heading, including 'Annual Report Cover Template' and 'Dog Food VG User Map'. The user clicks on the kebab menu (three vertical dots) next to the title on the design thumbnail; a widget menu opens, with the options Restore and Delete forever. The user selects 'Restore'. The design thumbnail disappears from underneath the Trash heading. The user clicks on My Designs in the left sidebar, and the design thumbnail 'Dog Food VG User Map' appears in the first position under the Designs heading.


Click on My Designs in the left sidebar, and find the design under the Designs heading.

Permanently delete a design

Permanently delete a design from Trash.

Click on "Trash" in the left sidebar. 

Find the preview thumbnail of the design you want to permanently deletePlease Note: You won't be able to retrieve or restore this design once it's deleted.

Click the kebab (three vertical dots) menu on the design you want to permanently delete, and click 'Delete Forever' in the widget. 

Confirm that you want to permanently delete the design: click Delete forever on the pop-up modal (box) that appears.

On the Trash page of the Venngage homepage, several design thumbnails appear under the heading 'Trash'. The third design under the heading is entitled 'Card Generator Design'. A user clicks on the kebab menu (three vertical dots) next to the title on the design thumbnail; a widget menu opens, with the options Restore and Delete forever. The user selects 'Delete forever'. A pop-up modal (box) appears over the screen, with the heading 'Delete forever?' asking the user to confirm that they want to permanently delete the design and that this action cannot be undone. At the bottom of the modal, the options to Cancel or to Delete permanently appear. The user clicks 'Delete permanently' and the modal box closes. The design thumbnail disappears from the Trash page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access designs that I deleted before this feature was added?

Our Customer Service can help you restore designs that you deleted before the Trash option was added. Reach out to us via email at or use Chat to get in touch.

How can I access designs that have been “deleted forever”?

Permanently deleted a design by accident? Reach out to Customer Service via email ( or use Chat, and our team will do our best to get your design back. The sooner you get in touch, the better! 


The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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