Once you've set up your first My Brand Kit, you can add new, additional Brand Kits using the "Manage My Brands" tool.
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Access the Manage Brand page
From the Home page:
Click on Manage Brand in the left sidebar from the Home page.
From inside the Editor:
Click on My Brand Kit in the left sidebar on the Venngage Editor.
Click the drop-down menu at the top of the section, then click "Add New Brand Kit".
Set up your new Brand Kit
Click the "Add New Brand Kit" button in the top right of the Manage Brand page.
Enter a name for the new brand kit, and click "Create".
Add brand assets manually
Click the "Plus" sign under each heading to add your assets (logos and colors).
Add brand assets automatically
Add your brand kit automatically from your branded website: under "My Brand", click the link in "Add your brand colors and logo automatically."
Upload custom fonts
Upload custom fonts under the heading "Uploaded Fonts"; click the "Upload Font" button and select a *.ttf or *.otf file form your device.
Exit the Brand Kit Manager using the path at the top of the page; click "Back to All Brand Kits" to see all of your Brand Kits, or "Back to Editor" to get back to the Editor.
Edit the assets or the title of any of your Brand Kits from the Manage Brand page.
Switch between multiple brand kits in the Editor
Switch between your Brand Kits using the My Brand Kit drop-down menu in the Editor.
Click on My Brand Kits in the left sidebar. Use the drop-down menu to select the Brand Kit assets you want to use.
Add logos or apply brand colors to the design canvas from the left sidebar under My Brand Kit.
Brand Kit colors of the Brand Kit you select will appear in the Color Tool when you select an element on the design canvas with a customizable color, and custom fonts will appear under the Uploaded Fonts heading of the font menu.
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