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Understanding Views on your Shared Design

Gino B.
Gino B.
  • Updated
Available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Premium, Business and Enterprise.

See how many people have viewed a design you shared.


Share your design from the Editor or the My Designs page, with a link, on social media, or within a Venngage Group or Team.


A user scrolls down their My Designs page. They hover their mouse over the preview tile of a design entitled “How Does Bitcoin Work”. The user clicks on “Copy link” at the bottom of the “Share this Design” pop-up modal that appears, and a message appears over the “Copy link” section that says “Link copied to Clipboard”.

From the My Designs page, you'll now be able to see how many views your design has racked up.


Just check the preview thumbnail (tile) of your design. Under the file name you'll see an icon of an eye, with the total number of view beside it:


A close-up of three design thumbnails (preview tiles) on a user's

The number of views reflects the total number of people who have viewed your design from a link or from within the Editor.


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