Support Centre

Release Notes November 25 2022

Renée Meloche
Renée Meloche
  • Updated

💡 New Features

🌈 Accessible Color Palette Generator - Create palettes from new or sampled colors

Use our new Color Palette Generator to create accessible color palettes that let your design with accessibility in mind.


A user clicks

Learn more about using our accessible Color Palette Generator.


🦾 Improving accessible designs in the upgraded Editor (Beta)

🔗 Hyperlink text in a basic table

Embed a link in the text of a basic table in your accessible design using text styling tools.


A user clicks into a cell in a basic table that appears on a design canvas in the upgraded Venngage Editor. The user selects the text that appears in that cell, which is underlined to signify that it is hyperlinked with a web address. The text styling tools appear in the top toolbar. The user clicks on the

Learn more about editing text in a basic table in your accessible design.


🦚 Add dynamic patterns to charts

Make your charts more accessible to those with visual impairments by adding patterns that complement the colors in your chart.


A pie chart appears under the heading

Learn more about adding patterns to charts in your accessible design.


📋 Data pasted into a basic table takes on native styling

Paste data from a table or spreadsheet outside your design in the upgraded Venngage Editor, and it will take on the same styling that's already in the basic table in your design.


A user clicks into a cell in a basic table that appears on a design canvas in the upgraded Venngage Editor. The user selects the text that appears in that cell, which is underlined to signify that it is hyperlinked with a web address. The text styling tools appear in the top toolbar. The user clicks on the

Learn more about how to add a basic table to your accessible design.


The feature(s) discussed in this article is available on the following Venngage subscription plans: Free, Premium, Business and Enterprise.

Curious about upgrading? Compare our plan features side by side.

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